
CAS Nos. 82657-04-3 (Cis)
Material Safety Data Sheets and Labels

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ACTIVITY: Insecticide, Acaricide (pyrethroid)

CAS Name: (2-methyl[1,1?-biphenyl]-3-yl)methyl 3-(2-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoro-1-propenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate


This information is being provided for general information only - the MSDSs and Labels we have on our site
should not be relied on as the most up-to-date information available. In particular, the Labels may not reflect
the actual information for individual states and countries.

The following does not represent all the pesticide products made with

Pesticide CAS No. Name of product Manufacturer / Distributor Material Safety Data Sheet Label
82657-04-3 Allectus G Insecticide Bayer Environmental Science
82657-04-3 Allectus GC Granular Insecticide Bayer Environmental Science



82657-04-3 Allectus GC SC Insectide Bayer Environmental Science

Allectus SC Insecticide

Bayer Environmental Science  --
82657-04-3 Annex 2 EC Insecticide / Miticide Tenkoz, Inc.
82657-04-3 Bifen I/T Insecticide/ Termiticide Control Solutions, Inc.
82657-04-3 Bifen L/P Insecticide Granules Control Solutions, Inc.

Bifenthrin 0.2%

(Note: this MSDS is used for several of the following "Pro" insecticides")

Micro Flo Company
(BASF Specialty Products )

Bifenthrin 7.9%

also known as Bifenthrin Pro Multi-Insecticide Golf Courses / Nursery

Micro Flo Company
(BASF Specialty Products )
82657-04-3 Bifenthrin MUP Insecticide/Miticide FMC  --
82657-04-3 Bifenthrin Pro 0.2% Golf Course Granular Insecticide Micro Flo Company LLC
(BASF Specialty Products)
82657-04-3 Bifenthrin Pro 0.2% Lawn Granular Insecticide Micro Flo Company LLC
(BASF Specialty Products)
82657-04-3 Bifenthrin Pro Multi-Insecticide Micro Flo Company LLC
(BASF Specialty Products)
82657-04-3 Bifenthrin Pro Multi-Insecticide Golf Courses / Nursery Micro Flo Company LLC
(BASF Specialty Products)
82657-04-3 Bifenthrin Pro 0.2% Nursery Granular Insecticide Micro Flo Company LLC
(BASF Specialty Products)
82657-04-3  Bifenthrin ST Insecticide FMC  --
82657-04-3   Bifenthrin Technical Insecticide/Miticide FMC  --
82657-04-3  Bifenture EC Insecticide
Bifenture EC-CA Insecticide
United Phosphorus, Inc.
82657-04-3  Bisect® CG

Manufactured for

(formerly United Horticultural Supply)

82657-04-3 Brigade® WSB Insecticide/Miticide FMC
82657-04-3 Capture® 1.15 G Insecticide FMC
82657-04-3 Capture® 2EC Insecticide/Miticide FMC

: carrots and parsley grown for seed. 2006.

82657-04-3 Capture® 2EC-CAL Insecticide/Miticide FMC -- 


82657-04-3 Capture® LFR Soil Insecticide FMC

82657-04-3 Discipline 2 EC Amvac Chemical Corporation



82657-04-3 Double Threat FMC -
82657-04-3 Double Threat CP Insecticide FMC
82657-04-3   Empower Helena Chemical Company ---
82657-04-3   Empower 2 Helena Chemical Company
82657-04-3 Fanfare 2EC Makhteshim-Agan of North America

(EPA approved 9-13-05)


82657-04-3   Farmoz Optiforce Termiticide & Insecticide
Farmoz Pty Ltd ---
82657-04-3   Farmoz Venom Insecticide/Miticide
Farmoz Pty Ltd ---
82657-04-3 Firebird GC Insecticide PhoenixEnvironmental Care, LLC
82657-04-3   H2-F (Bifenthrin) Treated T JI Joist
Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business ---
82657-04-3   Helena Bifenthrin 2EC Helena Chemical Company
82657-04-3   Menace 7.9% Flowable NuFarm Americas Inc.
82657-04-3   Menace GC Granular NuFarm Americas Inc.
82657-04-3   Menace Nursery Granular NuFarm Americas Inc.
82657-04-3   Menace PL Granular Insecticide NuFarm Americas Inc.
82657-04-3   Onyx Insecticide FMC

Procide 80SC® Insecticide/Miticide

(contains )

Scotts Australia Pty. Ltd. ---
82657-04-3 Pro-Mate® Bifenthrin Helena Chemical Company
82657-04-3 Pro-Mate Talstar GC 0.069% with Fertilizer Helena Chemical Company --- 
82657-04-3 Pro-Mate Talstar LG 0.069% with Fertilizer Helena Chemical Company ---
82657-04-3 Semafor Premix FMC  -----
82657-04-3   Talstar 100 EC Insecticide/Miticide
FMC (Chemicals) Pty.Limited ---
82657-04-3   Talstar 80 SC Insecticide/Miticide
FMC (Chemicals) Pty.Limited ---
82657-04-3   Talstar® EZ Golf Granular Insecticide FMC  
82657-04-3   Talstar® CA Granular Insecticide FMC   
82657-04-3  Talstar® EZ Granular Insecticide FMC  
82657-04-3   Talstar® F Insecticide/Miticide FMC  
82657-04-3   Talstar® Flowable Insecticide/Miticide FMC  
82657-04-3   Talstar® GC Flowable Insecticide/Miticide FMC
82657-04-3   Talstar® GC
Granular Insecticide
Talstar® Lawn & Tree Flowable Insecticide/Miticide FMC


82657-04-3   Talstar® Nursery Flowable Insecticide/Miticide FMC  

82657-04-3   Talstar® Nursery Granular Insecticide FMC
82657-04-3    TalstarOne Multi-Insecticide FMC
82657-04-3   Talstar® PL Granular Insecticide FMC
82657-04-3   Talstar® Termiticide/Insecticide FMC
82657-04-3 Tundra Agriliance

(EPA Reg. 1381-193 0G065)

(Reg. No. 70506-57-1381 0/B09/5)

(Reg. No. 51036-433-1381 AD 021805)

(EPA Reg. 1381-193 0G065)

(Reg. No. 70506-57-1381 0/B09/5 )

(Reg. No. 51036-433-1381 AD 021805)

82657-04-3 Up-Star Gold Insecticide/Miticide United Phosphorus, Inc.
82657-04-3 Up-Star SC Insecticide/Miticide United Phosphorus, Inc.
82657-04-3 Wisdom Flowable Amvac Chemical Corporatioin
82657-04-3 Wisdom GC Granular Amvac Chemical Corporatioin
82657-04-3 Wisdom Lawn Granular Insecticide Amvac Chemical Corporatioin
82657-04-3 Wisdom Nursery Granular Insecticide Amvac Chemical Corporatioin
82657-04-3 Wisdom TC Flowable Amvac Chemical Corporatioin
| Pesticide Project | 315-379-9200 | pesticides@fluoridealert.org